This guide will show you how to log into the King's College Bookstore and basic troubleshooting for common issues.
1) Log into Webadvisor and select Student from the main menu.
2) From the Academic Profile section, select All Student Links (Self Service).
3) In the Colleague Self Service portal, click and expand the Academics tab and select MyCourseBooks.
4) All of the books for your current registered classes will automatically populate in the list for you to choose from. From here you can choose which format for each book you wish to purchase (Physical book, Rental, E-Book).
NOTE: Shipping to King's campus is free! The books will be delivered to the bookstore and will be available for pick up
IMPORTANT: If the student has not linked their Campus card (King’s Cash) they will have clickable button under Payment Method to click to link My campus card.
Once you click the button to link My campus card, a text box will pop up to enter user credentials.
Username: FirstLastName (WITHOUT
Password: O365 account password
This portion will fail with the error, Login Failed.
1 - The student does not have their eAccount set up.
2 - The student has a King's Cash account that is locked due to inactivity.
Troubleshooting: Mary Wood (Auxiliary Director) would be the contact for those who do not have an eAccount set up or to enable a King's cash account that is locked due to inactivity.
An eAccount is the platform that allows the student to view their balances in the their stored valued accounts (King's Cash, Hope Fund, Flex Dollars) and to make deposits to King's Cash online.
Once you purchase the books, you can click on on the top right of the page to access your Account Dashboard so you can check out your order status.
If you ordered digital text books, go to the Digital Bookshelf from your Account Dashboard.
The digital textbooks will be available immediately on your Digital Bookshelf.